
Saturday, 28 December 2013

Common Reasons for cancellation of SAP Background Jobs

Common Reasons for cancellation of SAP Background  Jobs

1. User and password Issues (Authentication/ Authorization) user lock, userid expiry, password change, lack of roles
2. File system problems: BTC reads from the file system to update the database. File not opened, or corrupted, file
sharing issues, file came with different characters, file not found as well.
3. Variants are not properly defined.
4. Dead locks issue (Lock mechanism congested)
5. Update mechanism failed
6. Table space over flow (ORA-1653; ORA-1654)
7. Table space max extent reached (ORA-1631; ORA-1632)
8. Archive struck (ORA-255; ORA-272)
9. The memory is not sufficient and errors
(No Roll Area, PXA (Buffer), Page Errors)
10. Problem in the program and inputs (Indefinite loops like 1/0)
11. Dependent jobs/ events failure

12. Target systems are not available to process the jobs.

Troubleshooting SAP startup problems in Windows

 Troubleshooting SAP startup problems in Windows

There's probably nothing worse than not being able to start your SAP system … Especially the production system! Aside from the operating system and the database server you must pay close attention to certain places in SAP to find out what caused the problem and how to solve it. Here are the two places you will definitely need to check: EventViewer (Application and System logs) and the SAP Management Console (MMC).
EventViewer can provide useful information and it may help you pinpoint where the problem resides. The SAP MMC gives you the ability to visually see the system status (green, yellow or red lights), view the work processes status and view the developer traces, which are stored in the "work" directory. Example: /usr/sap/TST/DVEBMGS00/work.
For a central SAP instance to start successfully, both the message server and the dispatcher need to start. If one of them or both fail to start, users cannot log in to the system. The following scenarios will illustrate possible causes of why an SAP instance might not start and the reason of the message:

Things you need to get familiar with:
  • Developer Traces:
    -- dev_disp Dispatcher developer trace
    -- dev_ms Message Server developer trace
    -- dev_wp0 Work process 0 developer trace
  • The "services" file, which contains TCP and UDP services and their respective port numbers. This plain-text configuration file is located under %winnt%/system32/drivers/etc.
  • Windows Task Manager (TASKMGR.exe).
  • Dispatcher Monitor (DPMON.exe), which is located under /usr/sap/<SID>/sys/exe/run.
  • Database logs.
  • EventViewer (EVENTVWR.exe).

Scenario 1: Dispatcher does not start due to a port conflict

  • No work processes (disp+work.exe) exist in Task Manager.
  • Dispatcher shows status "stopped" in the SAP MMC.
  • Errors found in "dev_disp":
***LOG Q0I=> NiPBind: bind (10048: WSAEADDRINUSE: Address already in use) [ninti.c 1488]
*** ERROR => NiIBind: service sapdp00 in use [nixxi.c 3936]
*** ERROR => NiIDgBind: NiBind (rc=-4) [nixxi.c 3505]
*** ERROR => DpCommInit: NiDgBind [dpxxdisp.c 7326]
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpCommInit
Problem Analysis
I highlighted the keywords in the error messages above:
  • Address already in use
  • Service sapdp00 in use
The TCP port number assigned in the "services" file is being occupied by another application. Due to the conflict, the dispatcher shuts down.
If your server has a firewall client, disable it and attempt to start the SAP instance again.
If the instance starts successfully you can enable the client firewall back again.
If there is no firewall client at all, or if disabling it did not resolve the problem, edit the "services" file and check what port the appropriate "sapdp" is using.
If the instance number is 00, look for sapdp00. If the instance number is 01 look for sapdp01 and so on. You can use the following OS command to help you resolve port conflicts:
netstat -p TCP
There are also utilities on the Internet that can help you list all the TCP and UDP ports a system is using.

Scenario 2: Dispatcher dies due to a database connection problem

  • No database connections.
  • No work processes.
  • SAP MMC -> WP Table shows all processes as "ended".
  • Errors found in "dev_disp":
    C setuser 'tst' failed -- connect terminated
    C failed to establish conn. 0
    M ***LOG R19=> tskh_init, db_connect (DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1102]
    M in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M *** ERROR => tskh_init: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 8437]
    *** ERROR => W0 (pid 2460) died [dpxxdisp.c 11651]
    *** ERROR => W1 (pid 2468) died [dpxxdisp.c 11651]
    *** ERROR => W2 (pid 2476) died [dpxxdisp.c 11651]
    . . .
    *** ERROR => W11 (pid 2552) died [dpxxdisp.c 11651]
    *** ERROR => W12 (pid 2592) died [dpxxdisp.c 11651]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xbf --> 0x80
    *** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpEnvCheck: no more work processes
    DpModState: change server state from STARTING to SHUTDOWN
Problem Analysis
A connection to the database could not be established because either the SQL login specified in parameter "dbs/mss/schema" is set incorrectly or the SQL login was deleted from the database server. This parameter needs to be set in the DEFAULT.pfl system profile (under /usr/sap/<SID>/sys/profile). In the messages above, we see that the SQL login 'tst' is expected but it does not exist at the database level.
Set the entry to the appropriate database owner. If the system is based on Basis <= 4.6 or if the system was upgraded from 4.x to 4.7 the database owner should be "dbo". But, if the system was installed from scratch and it's based on the Web AS 6.x the database owner should match the SID name in lower case. Example: if the SID is TST then the database owner should be "tst". If the parameter is set correctly in the DEFAULT.pfl profile check at the database level if the SQL login exists. If it doesn't, create it and give it database ownership to the <SID>.

Scenario 3: SAP does not start at all: no message server and no dispatcher

  • The message server and the dispatcher do not start at all in the SAP MMC.
  • The following error when trying to view the developer traces within the SAP MMC: The network path was not found.
  • No new developer traces written to disk (under the "work" directory.)
Problem Analysis
The network shares "saploc" and "sapmnt" do not exist. That explains the "network path not found" message when attempting to view the developer traces within the SAP MMC.
Re-create the "saploc" and "sapmnt" network shares. Both need to be created on the /usr/sap directory.

Scenario 4: Users get "No logon possible" messages

  • Work processes start but no logins are possible.
  • Users get the login screen but the system does not log them in. Instead, they get this error: No logon possible (no hw ID received by mssg server).
  • In the SAP MMC, the message server (msg_server.exe) shows status "stopped".
  • The dev_ms file reports these errors:
    [Thr 2548] *** ERROR => MsCommInit: NiBufListen(sapmsTST) (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxserv.c 8163]
    [Thr 2548] *** ERROR => MsSInit: MsSCommInit [msxxserv.c 1561]
    [Thr 2548] *** ERROR => main: MsSInit [msxxserv.c 5023]
    [Thr 2548] ***LOG Q02=> MsSHalt, MSStop (Msg Server 2900) [msxxserv.c 5078]
Problem Analysis
Work processes were able to start but the message server was not. The reason is because the "services" file is missing the SAP System Message Port entry. Example: SAPmsTST 3600/tcp
Edit the "services" file and add the entry. Then, re-start the instance. Make sure you specify the appropriate TCP port (e.g. 3600) for the message server.

Scenario 5: The message server starts but the dispatcher doesn't

  • The dispatcher shows status "stopped" in the SAP MMC.
  • The "dev_disp" file shows these errors:
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unknown (sapdp00) [nixxi.c 2580]
    *** ERROR => DpCommInit: NiDgBind [dpxxdisp.c 7326]
    *** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpCommInit
Problem Analysis
The keyword in the messages above is "service unknown" followed by the entry name "sapdp00". The dispatcher entry "sapdp00" is missing in the "services" file. Example: sapdp00 3200/tcp
Add the necessary entry in the "services" file. Example: sapdp00 3200/tcp Then, re-start the instance.

Scenario 6:  Work processes die soon after they start

  • All work processes die right after the instance is started.
  • The SAP MMC shows work processes with status "ended".
  • Only one work process shows status "wait".
  • An ABAP dump saying "PXA_NO_SHARED_MEMORY" is generated as soon as a user logs in.
  • The SAP MMC Syslog shows the following error multiple times: "SAP-Basis System: Shared Memory for PXA buffer not available".
Problem Analysis
The instance profile contains misconfigured memory-related parameters. Most likely the "abap/buffersize" instance profile parameter is set to high.
Edit the instance system profile at the OS level under /usr/sap/<SID>/sys/profile and lower the value assigned to "abap/buffersize". Then, restart the instance. Also, it's important to find out if any other memory parameter were changed. If not, the system should start once the adequate memory allocation has been set to the the "abap/buffersize" parameter.

SAPBASIS support activities L1 L2 L3

Following are the indicative activities for L1, L2 and L3 activities for SAP BASIS support.  L2 and L3 activities would have certain overlaps during the actual work execution.

L1 BASIS support:

o    Starting and stopping SAP instances as per requirements
o    Monitoring availability of SAP instances, Application servers
o    CCMS System Monitoring (General Monitoring Functions)
o    Checking the operating system logs, System Log
o    Output Devices in the SAP Spool System
o    Checking Spool Output Requests for Errors
o    Checking Work Process Status and process loads
o    Checking for ABAP Short Dumps
o    Checking for Update Errors
o    Checking Lock Entries
o    Checking Batch Input Sessions
o    Checking Background Jobs
o    Checking Buffer status and Swaps
o    Checking RZ20 Alert monitor threshold exceptions  including page in/out, CPU & memory utilization.
o    Monitoring Offline/ Online backups
o    Checking offline redo log files and monitoring archive log directory
o    Monitoring file system and database growth
o    TEMSE Check
o    Monitoring housekeeping jobs related to ABAP dump reorgs, spool reorg, performance collector etc.
o    Monitoring system and database performance for response time, db time, hit ratios etc.
o    Checking operating system activity on CPU utilization, Paging etc.
o    Locking/ unlocking/ revalidating users
o    User password resetting
o    SAP Frontend installation

L2 BASIS support

o    Acknowledgement / Cleaning of alert logs
o    Cleaning/ archiving of transport logs/ import queues
o    RFC Link Maintenance
o    System performance monitoring
o    Offline/ Online backups at SAP level and backing Up ( Redo Logs – online redo logs and offline redo logs with respect to oracle)
o    Checking and Creating CBO Statistics
o    Searching for Missing Indexes
o    Memory Management: Page In / Pages Out
o    Memory Management: Ext. Memory/ Roll In/ Out etc.
o    Installing SAP License
o    Configuring the System Log
o    Setting Up Logon Groups
o    Installing Printers
o    Sending System Messages
o    Profile Generator: Maintaining Activity Groups/ Roles
o    User Maintenance :
User creation
Copying a User
Locking and Unlocking Users
Changing a Password
Finding a Missing Authorization
Checking Active Users
Role Attachment
Deleting Old User Master Records
Changing Administrator Passwords
Checking User Activities
o    Operation mode maintenance
Creating a New Operation Mode
Adjusting the Timetable
Manually Switching Modes
Scheduling Exception Operation
Setting Up Operation Modes
o    Activities on SAPNet
SAPNet user administration
Logging On to SAPNet - R/3 Front-end
Entering a Customer Message
Tracking Message Status
Receiving Responses from SAP
Confirming an Closing Messages
Requesting Support Packages
Downloading Files from SAP Servers
SAP's Remote Services
Opening a Connection for Remote Service
Testing a Remote Service Connection
Scheduling an Early Watch Session
Scheduling a Remote Consulting Session
Registering Developers and SAP Objects Using SSCR
Searching the Notes Database
o    Management of the Transport Management System (TMS)
Transporting Transport Requests and investigate and resolve transport failures/ errors
Determining Old Data in Transport Directories
Clearing Old Data from the Transport Directories
Maintaining Transport Landscape
o    Scheduling Jobs
Jobs for R3 Monitoring
Jobs for DB Monitoring
Other background jobs
Jobs: Scheduling Jobs
Jobs: Checking Job Status and Displaying Logs
o    Support Package/ Add-ons
Finding Support Packages
Downloading and Importing Support Packages
Regular Support pack installations
Concepts on SPAU and SPDD while application of support packages
o    System Profiles and its maintenance
o    Client Maintenance
Maintaining Clients and client-settings
Client Copy – Remote and Local
Client Export/ Import
o    Automatic Note application through SNOTE
o    Printer Configuration
o    Backup Scheduling thru DB13 and monitoring thru DB12
o    SCOT monitoring
o    Searching for Missing Indexes
o    Monitoring the Growth of Extents
o    Checking Database Performance
o    Extending the Database (Adding Data Files)
o    Making changes in Oracle Parameters based on recommendation from L3 experts for performance optimization
o    Checking and Managing CBO statistics
o    User Training

L3 BASIS support

o    Problem troubleshooting and resolution for escalated calls.
o    SAProuter setup and OSS configuration
o    Setting up SAP Logon groups
o    Offline/ Online backups at SAP level and backing Up ( Redo Logs – online redo logs and offline redo logs with respect to oracle)
o    Naming Conventions for Backup Tapes
o    Database restoration and recovery
o    SAP installation/ re-installation and configuration
o    Planning and managing support packages and kernel patch upgradations, client copies/ transports
o    Planning and executing database upgrades
o    Database Verification - Checking Physical Structure
o    Oracle parameter review and analysis and recommendations for changes to optimize performance.
o    Increasing Online redo log groups
o    Evaluating Results of the DB System Check
o    SDCC monitoring and management, Configuration of EWA
o    Designing , setting up and reorganization of SAP system landscapes
o    Defining standard operating procedures for backups and restoration. Change management etc.
o    Checking and Managing CBO statistics
o    Automatic Note application through SNOTE
o    Printer Configuration
o    SCOT configuration
o    DB and index reorganization
o    Resolution of dead locks and timeouts
o    Maintenance and monitoring of DR standby server, if available
o    Homogenous system copy
o    Configuring/ re-configuring system log / alert thresholds.
o    Team Lead entire basis support personnel
o    Guiding the team technically in all areas of service defined within SAP BASIS areas
o    Coordination with and supporting the functional team as per requirements.
o    Profile / Role management and authorization management and recommendations based on best practices during day to day operations.
o    Implementing & Managing SAP Support Practices.
o    Report Generation & Presentation. Good Communication & Presentation Skills
o    Responsibility of Entire Basis operation and Internal and external Escalations.

The above activities related to maintenance, performance tuning, patch updation etc. would cut across all other SAP components like BW, Solution Manager, EP, XI etc. There would be component specific activities which shall be performed by the L1/ L2/ L3 engineer and some indicative activities are mentioned below:

There are other activities specific to various mySAP components which can be taken up on case to case basis

Specific to BW

o    Monitoring RSA1
o    Monitoring PSA and cleaning as per the defined time policy
o    Reviewing and reorganizing BW statistics tables as per requirements
o    Review tRFC queues
o    Scheduling and checking for BW specific reports like RSRV

Specific to EP
UME operations
Business packages download and application
Configuration for establishing backend connectivity to SAP systems.

Specific to Solution Manager

System landscape definitions
Solution Monitoring
Service desk operations
EWA operations