
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Proper command to startsap manually from command line

Proper command to startsap manually from command line.

startsap.exe name=<SID> nr=<system no> SAPDIAHOST=<host name> pf=d:\usr\sap\

How to recover SAPMMC without re-installing CI?

How to recover SAPMMC without re-installing CI?

Open you MMC console.
Goto file-->ADD/Remove snap-in
Click on ADD
Choose SAP Systems Manager
Again Click on ADD
Click Next
Here give your SID in the system field
fill instance field like this <hostname> <instance no>
Mind space between hostname and instance no
Also check SAPservice<SID> service is running or not

Saturday, 11 January 2014



1.        Schedule the downtime .
2.        Download the executables from Market place in the .SAR  Format  from
3.         There are two types of kernel files DB Independent and DBdependent Files

        SAPEXE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .SAR (DB Independent)

         SAPEXE_DB xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .SAR (DB dependent)

4.        Decompress the files using

            SAPCAR  -XVF  SAPEXE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.SAR

            SAPCAR  -XVF  SAPEXE_DB xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.SAR

5.        Extract the files to Newly created to “new run” directory run directory
6.        Take backup of old kernel executable (Existing  kernel executable).


7.        Stop all the services( Stop the instances)
          Services :   SAPOSCOL, SAP<SID>-<NR>, SAPROUTER.
8. copy the executables from NEWRUN executables and replace the executables in the       old run executables(old run directory).

9.start the services, instances

10. check all the startup logs to resolve the startup problems
11. if the still could not be started then COPY  “OLDRUN” AS BEFORE.

NOTE: there is a no sequence required for kernel upgrade.