Technical Upgrade is the fast upgrade without
additional functionality but with minor user interface changes to ensure
business continuity. All objects modified by a customer have to be manually
re-modified during an upgrade. Modifications are either automatically adopted
or the system provides you with an assistant for adjusting your modifications
to the newly upgraded configuration using transactions SPAU and SPDD
This transaction allows you to adjust modifications
to ABAP Dictionary objects during an upgrade. Using this transaction we can
adjust the Domains, Data elements, Tables, Structures, Transparent tables,
pooled and cluster tables including their technical settings, indexes of
transparent tables. If you adjust data elements that have been changed with
modification assistant in an earlier release, the changes can be copied
to run SPDD:
- Start transaction SE03 as user DDIC and choose Administration -> Set system change option
- Select modifiable in the Global setting dialog box
- Choose to continue
- Choose Edit->Select All
- Save your changes
- Then log on as a normal user
since DDIC may not perform any repairs
SPAU: This transaction allows you to adjust programs, function modules,
screens, interfaces, documentation and text elements after an upgrade. After
you adjusted or edited an object, you can use User/Status function to modify the
status of the object. Before doing this, you can also add other developers or
testers that are allowed to edit the object and create the short note.
to run SPAU:
- Start transaction SE03 as user DDIC and choose Administration -> Set system change option
- Select modifiable in the Global setting dialog box
- Choose to continue
- Choose Edit->Select All
- Save your changes
- Then log on as a normal user
since DDIC may not perform any repairs
Important topics in Technical upgrade
the Development System: Perform adjust in the
development system using SPDD and SPAU transactions and assign the transport
requests. The upgrade control program R3up exports the transports that you have
marked in a later upgrade phase.
the Production System: During this phase R3up upgrade
control program check for whether there are any change requests registered for
transport from the development system to the production system. If this is the
case, R3up offers to import the transport automatically, instead of you
carrying out adjustments with transactions SPAU/SPDD. If you choose this
procedure, you still have the option of stopping SPDD/SPAU to check the changes
accepted automatically before they are activate.
Ø Basis team will do the prepare activities. (Unix, BASIS, DBA etc)
Ø Need to run the transaction SPDD which provides the details of SAP
Standard Dictionary objects that have been modified by the client. Users need
to take a decision to keep the changes or revert back to the SAP Standard
Structure. More often decision is to keep changes. This is mandatory activity
in upgrade and avoids data losses in new system.
Ø After completing SPDD transaction, we need to run SPAU transaction
to get the list of standard SAP programs that have been modified. This activity
can be done in phases even after the upgrade. Generally this will be done in
the same go so that your testing results are consistent and have more confident
in upgrade.
Ø Run SPUMG transaction for Unicode Conversion in non-Unicode system. Note:
SPUM4 in 4.6C.
Ø Then we need to move custom objects (Z/Y). Need to do extended
programming check (EPC), SQL Trace, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, User
Acceptance Testing etc.
Tables in Technical Upgrade
Ø SMODILOG: This table has the record of all modifications to the objects. This
includes customized objects and SNOTE corrections. These objects usually can be
found in SE95 if the change is not obsolete.
Ø TADIR: Very important system table. This table is the directory of all
repository objects. All ABAP reports, classes, function groups, etc are
recorded in this table. Usually during upgrade to keep track of lost objects.
Ø TRDIR: Not very often used. It has the information of all ABAP reports.
Ø TSTC: It has the information of all transaction codes, like the corresponding
programs and screens.
Ø ADIRACESS: It has the access code information of all the objects in TADIR.
Ø TFDIR: The information all function modules.
SPAU and
When you apply a package, a large
number of objects are changed. If you have applied any OSS notes to objects in your system, the hot
package may overwrite these objects.
SPDD is used to identify dictionary
objects and SPAU (repository objects), will identify any objects where the
hot package is overwriting changes you have made through OSS notes.
You must check all objects identified in SPAU
and decide whether you need to reapply the OSS note or reset the code to the original
SAP Code. If, for instance, you are applying hot package 34, SPAU
identifies an object where you have applied an OSS note. You must check the OSSs note
and see if SAP has fixed that note in a hot package.
If the OSS
note has been fixed in hot package 34, then you should reset the object to its
original source code. This means that there is no repair flag set against
this object again and it is now SAP standard code. If, however, the
object is not fixed until hot package 38, or there is no fix available you have
to reapply the OSS
note, otherwise users will encounter the problems they had before the note was
You must transport all reapplied notes and
Reset to SAP Standard objects after you apply your hot package to your QAS and
PRD systems.
1. What objects will come in SPAU and SPDD?
All the objects which are modified, after transporting to the current system, will be listed in SPAU and SPDD.
All the objects which are modified, after transporting to the current system, will be listed in SPAU and SPDD.
SPDD contains the list of all modified Data Dictionary objects,
like tables, data elements, domains, view etc. The rest of all the modified
repository objects will be listed in SPAU.
2. What happens to the modifications done in the older version when we upgrade the version? (with Modification assistant and w/o)
After the initial upgrade happens, we have to do adjustments from SPAU/SPDD to maintain or reset the changes. That is, from the list of objects in SPAU/SPDD, you have to either carry forward the changes to the new version, by choosing the option ADOPT CHANGES (available on right click) or RESET TO ORIGINAL (available on right click).
3. Will they come in these transactions?
Yes, they will be listed in these transactions, after the BASIS upgrade activity.
4. What if we apply some patches (Notes) to the system? What is the impact of these patches to the SPAU transaction?
2. What happens to the modifications done in the older version when we upgrade the version? (with Modification assistant and w/o)
After the initial upgrade happens, we have to do adjustments from SPAU/SPDD to maintain or reset the changes. That is, from the list of objects in SPAU/SPDD, you have to either carry forward the changes to the new version, by choosing the option ADOPT CHANGES (available on right click) or RESET TO ORIGINAL (available on right click).
3. Will they come in these transactions?
Yes, they will be listed in these transactions, after the BASIS upgrade activity.
4. What if we apply some patches (Notes) to the system? What is the impact of these patches to the SPAU transaction?
Patches will be supported by the version upgrade. In case of
notes, we have to verify whether these notes are supported by the new version
(you can go into
to verify this. Also, we have to analyze whether the code in the note is
already incorporated in the new version. In this case you can ignore the changes
choosing RESET TO ORIGINAL option.
ABAP Remediation
The objects that are needed to be upgraded, they are:
Function Groups / Function Modules
Programs / Reports
OSS Notes
SAP Repository Objects
SAP Data Dictionary Objects
Domains, Data Elements
Tables, Structures and Views
Module Pools, Sub Routine pools
BDC Programs
Print Programs
SAP Scripts, Screens
User Exits
Note: This
part I will send in separate document which includes error fixes, solution
description, OSS
note and other related info.
How to adjust the SAP Objects in SPAU and SPDD phase:
Click on ‘Adopt Modification’
Left side – new system code
Right side – old system code
Text in ‘blue’ indicates that corresponding code is not present in another version.
We have to refer to old system (right side in split editor) texts in blue which means that particular block is missing in new system.
1) Press button ‘modify’ button to scroll through modifications
2) To copy code of old system, place your cursor against modification (right side of split screen) and press ‘Copy’ to accept modifications. The text would be stored in buffer.
3) Place cursor in left side of split editor and clink on ‘insert’. It will paste the old system block in new system.
To: add ‘insert’ block of old system, press ‘insert’,
add ‘replace’ block of old system, press ‘replace’
add ‘Delete’ block of old system, press ‘delete’.
Keep the previous Transport Request number in ‘Comments’ for future reference.
When you say ‘copy’, only the code between ‘insert’ block is copied in buffer.
- Syntax check after each modification adoption.
- Compare both the versions at every block of modification.
- After successful modification, activate the object.
- Sometimes, changes would be adopted automatically. (mostly for objects where traffic light ‘green’ is indicated), but you could follow the same steps as above for adjustment if it is not adjusted.
Left side – new system code
Right side – old system code
Text in ‘blue’ indicates that corresponding code is not present in another version.
We have to refer to old system (right side in split editor) texts in blue which means that particular block is missing in new system.
1) Press button ‘modify’ button to scroll through modifications
2) To copy code of old system, place your cursor against modification (right side of split screen) and press ‘Copy’ to accept modifications. The text would be stored in buffer.
3) Place cursor in left side of split editor and clink on ‘insert’. It will paste the old system block in new system.
To: add ‘insert’ block of old system, press ‘insert’,
add ‘replace’ block of old system, press ‘replace’
add ‘Delete’ block of old system, press ‘delete’.
Keep the previous Transport Request number in ‘Comments’ for future reference.
When you say ‘copy’, only the code between ‘insert’ block is copied in buffer.
- Syntax check after each modification adoption.
- Compare both the versions at every block of modification.
- After successful modification, activate the object.
- Sometimes, changes would be adopted automatically. (mostly for objects where traffic light ‘green’ is indicated), but you could follow the same steps as above for adjustment if it is not adjusted.
typical SAP version version upgrade has two phases:
1 - technical upgrade (installing the new version of SAP and migrating all the current objects to the new system)
2- adjusting the modifications.
SPAU/SPDD comes in the second phase.
Once we install the new version and migrate all the active objects into the new version, you can see the list of modified objects (includingOSS note applications) in SPAU and SPDD.
SPDD contains all the data dictionary objects and SPAU the rest.
You need to drill down from SPAU and do a versin comparison with the active version in the existing system (the system with SAP's older version). If you come across changes withOSS
firstly, you need to check in the releases it supports. If it does not support the latest version, you will need to find a replacement note for this and implement the same. Else, if it is supported in the new release, you need to carry forward the changes in previous version to the new version. For this you need only to right click on the object in SPAU and select "adopt changes".
1 - technical upgrade (installing the new version of SAP and migrating all the current objects to the new system)
2- adjusting the modifications.
SPAU/SPDD comes in the second phase.
Once we install the new version and migrate all the active objects into the new version, you can see the list of modified objects (including
SPDD contains all the data dictionary objects and SPAU the rest.
You need to drill down from SPAU and do a versin comparison with the active version in the existing system (the system with SAP's older version). If you come across changes with
firstly, you need to check in the releases it supports. If it does not support the latest version, you will need to find a replacement note for this and implement the same. Else, if it is supported in the new release, you need to carry forward the changes in previous version to the new version. For this you need only to right click on the object in SPAU and select "adopt changes".
are recommended to follow the procedure below to make your programs
US-compliant: The UNICODE task in transaction SAMT performs first an NUS and
then a US
syntax check for a selected program set. For an overview of the syntax errors
by systems, programs and authors, consult the following document in SAPNet:
Alternatively, you can start the ABAP program RSUNISCAN_FINAL to determine the
Unicode-relevant syntax errors for a single program. Before you can set the
Unicode flag in the NUS in the attributes of the program concerned, all syntax
errors must be removed. Having enabled the Unicode flag in the NUS, you can run
the syntax check for this program. To display a maximum of 50 syntax errors
simultaneously, choose Utilities -> Settings -> Editor in the ABAP Editor
and select the c
good i very useful...plz add some more topics